Generally, cars are the famous vehicle that everyone having today and the service centres for cars are very high. At the same time, it costs too much to repair the parts. In that sense, repairing the car’s paint spot is the toughest one and every people worry about it. so do not worry about it if you are one of the people and here are some steps you have to do for repairing that paint spot. The first step you have to do is cleaning the area that you want to repair using water and soap. The second step is cleaning that area using wax and grease remover. This is the important one because every part in the car has grease dirt so cleaning it will be the best idea.
The third step is using a sandpaper sand that area and use six hundred grit sandpaper and after doing that use thousand dive hundred grit sandpaper for blending area. The fourth step is cleaning the cleaning that area using soap and water and also use remover again. The fifth step is to mask the place you do not want to paint and do not mask on the car’s panel place. So, these are all the simple steps to repair a car’s blend paint area.
How long does touch up last on a car?

This is the frequently asked question by the car owners and the answer is nearly four years. Sometimes it lasts for five years too and it depends on how much your car facing the sunlight because when your car faces the sunlight for more hours than it fades quickly. So, try to protect it from it. and it is an important thing to use real car paint for long-lasting because not every car paint is quality so try to refer more before using it. once the first coating is done then there is no need to polish your car.
Tips for fixing damages on a car:
It is a common thing that every car getting scratch during the driving or something but it is not a dangerous thing and some people feel so much for the appearances of their car. The first thing you have to clear is it will not take too much of amount for repairing it also it does not need to service the car. The alternative way is to paint the damaged area using quality paint. Even service centre also doing this method for small damages and make us fool. So, try this one before give to the service centre.
Also, do not paint the car if it has too much or deep damage because you will not know whether it is serious or not so try to give it to the service centre if you feel it’s deeper. Then keeping the quality paint on your car is the best idea because whenever you noticed the damage on your car you can easily fix it otherwise you have to spend your time doing this work only.