Category: Fashion And Beauty

How to Crimp Hair with a Straightener

Crimped hairs give a stunning look, and most of the actresses in the 90’s love to have crimped hairs.

It was a difficult task, but a wet hair straighteners has made this task simple than before, but it does not mean anyone can make crimped hair with a hair straightener.

We have found proper step by step guidelines for crimp hairs using hair straighteners.

Steps to crimp your hairs with the help of a straightener:

Steps to crimp your hairs with the help of a straightener

First Step:

First of all, take a mouse and apply styling mousse on your hairs, but keep in mind, apply the mouse on hairs only when your hairs are dry, clean, and straight.

If you apply the straightener on dirty hair, your hair will fry and be damaged using a hair straightener.

Second Step:

Now pull a part of your hair in a loose bun and keep the bottom of the hairs half loose. You will get more hair to work with while keeping extra hairs out of the way.

Try to work with a smaller portion of hairs; small portions of hairs you will work with more will be easy for you to crimp the hairs.

Third Step:

Now spray the small sections of your hair with a heat protection spray; it will protect your hair from damage if the straightener has more heat. Apply the spray gently to your hair.

Once you have applied the heat protection spray on your hairs, now take the straightener and use it down on the hair section.

Try to get closer to the roots of the hairs as much as possible. But keep heating at a medium level.

You can use any of the hair straighteners, but a wider straightener works quickly and in a better way than other straighteners.

Now rotate the straightener upwards, without leaving the hair sections, flip the straightener at an angle of 180 degrees, move it gently downward, start it from the first curve and clamp it down.

Fourth Step:

Next to that, rotate the straightener upward while gently tugging down on the hairs’ loose ends. Repeat the same process until you get perfect crimping in your hairs.

But keep in mind not tug downward with hands; always use a hair straightener for upward and downward movements.

Fifth Step:

Once you have completed one portion of your hairs, now repeat the same procedure for each section one by one.

Do not make thick portions; a thin section will be easy for you to crimp.

Once all hairs have crimped, let your hairs for some time become cool; avoid touching the hairs; you may mess the crimps on hairs touch them before cooling.

Now apply some spray on your hairs with hairspray; it will maintain your hair crimps for a longer time.

Final Thoughts:

Crimp hairstyle is one of the popular hairstyles for women that gives a charming look to their face, but it isn’t easy to make. But with a straightener and following the above guidelines, you can make a crimped hairstyle whenever you want.

How to Wear a Winter Vest Men’s

Generally speaking, it is very complicated for men to choose the best outfits for winters. The reasons behind the same saying could be different but as a man, you do not have the Peace of Mind when you want to wear or purchase some outfit in winter. A fine quality vest can be a very good alternative for a man to wear in the winters. Whether you talk about we want to get in the vest or comfortability, it is truly an affordable and reliable option. If you want to understand how to wear a vest then the following paragraphs can help you.

Adjust the sleeves

First of all, you will have to adjust the sleeves of your vest. If the sleeves are adjustable enough and give you the required come faster than you have chosen a very good winter waste for men. Now, lift up your arms and try to wear the vest.

Choose your favorite pairs of jeans

Choose your favorite pairs of jeans

Before start wearing the winter vest men, it is very necessary for you to choose your favorite pair of jeans or other pants that you are going to wear. When you want to look decent then it is very compulsory or ideal for you to prefer some vibrant and sparkling colors of jeans which can match with your vest.

Just wear the winter men’s vest

After choosing the best pair of jeans now, you can start wearing the winter vest. Make sure that you have chosen a very comfortable and soft vest that will not allow you to feel good. Hence, you are going to make most of the experience of buying a vest and wearing a vest in the winters without any kind of doubt.

Now hopefully, you had understood however class me you can wear a winter vest.

Learn how to buy a good winter men’s vest

good winter men’s vest

Before thinking about how to wear a winter men’s vest, you will have to learn how you can buy a very good and long -lasting vest. Here are a few points that can help you throughout the bank procedure of a winter vest for men:

Soft and comfortable- one should always try to purchase a winter vest for men which can provide comfort. Likewise, you should choose a very soft and decent looking men’s vest.

Size- if you want to make most out of your purchasing of winter vest then you will have to choose an appropriate size which suits your body.

Water Repellent- This is yet another incredible thing that you have to check in your chosen men’s vest.

The lightweight with added warmth- the next big thing that you have to consider while buying a winter vest is the lightweight. Instead of some bulky men’s vest, you should give preference to lightweight vests that can provide comfort in a whole new way. On the other hand, you have to choose a vest that can offer added warmth.

These are some of the main things that you have to keep in your mind while buying a vest for men.