Aside from helping protect property, a CCTV system also lowers your insurance premiums. Insurers will pay less for the additional protection it provides, and this means you will save money in the long run. Here are five reasons why you should consider getting a CCTV system for your home:
Reduces the Likelihood of Making an Insurance Claim
To reduce the risk of making an insurance claim, a policyholder should try to avoid incidents that will cost them money. Often, this involves reducing risk by installing security systems or sprinkler systems. Loss control programs can also help reduce the likelihood of accidents. These factors may lead to a price cut or lower premiums. For many policyholders, the best way to avoid filing a claim is to reduce the number of tickets.
Acts as a Deterrent to Criminals

One of the benefits of CCTV is that it can be used as a deterrent to criminals. This is particularly true in areas where crime is high, such as rural areas. Some businesses have valuable stock that can be targeted by criminals. Furthermore, CCTV can help in monitoring a specific area. There are some disadvantages to CCTV, however. The installation of CCTV is not guaranteed to deter criminals.
While installing CCTV is an important investment, it can be counterproductive if criminals are unaware that it is there. Many studies have shown that CCTV reduces crime by a statistically insignificant percentage. One way of doing this is to install effective signage. This will help people to realize that CCTV is present. They will avoid an area where CCTV is installed. Besides this, CCTV can be a deterrent to criminals.
Reduces Burglary Rates
While there are some improvements in the number of burglaries, the fact remains that the overall rate of residential break-ins is not declining. According to the U.S. Department of Justice, property crimes accounted for $14.3 billion in 2015, and there were more than 325,000 reported burglaries in 2015. A large portion of home invasions occur during the day, with break-ins occurring more frequently between 6am and 6pm.
Generally, the majority of break-ins occur when people are not home. To reduce your risk of being targeted, make it appear that you are. One Co-op Insurance study suggests that leaving a television on may deter a burglar. Adding motion-sensor lights or window treatments may also deter potential burglars. In addition, it’s a good idea to consider changing your windows and doors to make it harder for intruders to tell if you’re home or not, Check out this site.
Prevents Bullying

A school with CCTV is an institution that reduces bullying. By catching bullying on film, staff and school officials can intervene and help a victimized child. These cameras are effective in reducing bullying, reducing fights, and curbing anti-social behaviour. The BBC reported that bullying is responsible for 160 claims of crime on a school day, with burglary, theft, and robbery being the most common types of crimes.
Bullying is an important issue in the country, impacting all ages. A safe environment is essential for the development and academic success of a child, so installing security cameras in schools can help prevent bullying before it happens. One of the main benefits of security cameras is that they can provide video evidence and help police officials investigate bullying incidents. They can also record a variety of activities that would otherwise be missed by school staff, such as cheating on exams. Installing security cameras in a school can also prevent other problems like stealing, drug use, and unauthorized entry.